Computes the diurnality index, using different start and end definitions for each day and night, based on an activity dataframe
Computes the diurnality index, using different start and end definitions for each day and night, based on an activity dataframe
- data
a digiRhythm-friendly dataset
- activity
The number of non-useful lines to skip (lines to header)
- timedata
a dataset, including 4 columns of POSIXct format, including date and time "day_start", "day_end", "night_start", "night_end"
- save
if NULL, the image is not saved. Otherwise, this parameter will be the name of the saved image. it should contain the path and name without the extension.
A ggplot2 object that contains the Sliding diurnality plot in addition to a dataframe with 2 col: date and sliding diurnality index
data("df516b_2", package = "digiRhythm")
data <- df516b_2
data <- remove_activity_outliers(data)
activity <- names(data)[2]
data("timedata", package = "digiRhythm")
timedata <- timedata
d_index <- sliding_DI(data, activity, timedata)